
Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Conferenced.

So I spent my Saturday in Piscataway, NJ for the much-awaited Rutgers University Council on Children's Literature (RUCCL) One-on-One Plus Conference. Since it's a mentoring conference, there were equal amounts of editors & agents as there were aspiring (and some published) authors/illustrators. All I can say Seriously, the mentors in attendance were all kinds of important and awesome. (At one point, I was sitting in the auditorium surrounded by 2 agents and 2 editors that are totally on my to-be-queried list. Eek!)

Anyway, I'm quite exhausted, so a detailed post (with pictures!) will be up Sunday or Monday, so keep an eye out for it, because it'll be chock full of lovely details about these fabulous people and how I mostly didn't make a fool of myself.

Last but not least, I thought you might want to know that I almost rear-ended someone on my way home. Why? Well, I realized that the DVD player in the SUV in front of me was playing Beauty and the Beast, and I got a littttttle too close trying to see what scene they were on.

Anyone else ever almost get into a car accident watching someone else's movie? Those things are dangerous, I'm telling you.

Now it's time to relax and read some Soulless. Or The Shifter. Or both. I can't decide! Shiny new books, you torment me...


  1. Ooh, can't wait to hear details about the conference. Sounds like it was an amazing experience. I have conference envy!

  2. Sounds like it was a blast!

    It's a good thing you were able to stop before you rear-ended the Beauty and the Beast SUV. I have come pretty close to doing the same thing though, except the person in front of me was watching Scooby Doo.


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