
Friday, October 9, 2009

Who doesn't love contests?

There are all sorts of contests 'round the blogosphere at any given time. Here at FNC, we want to help you win some awesome books!

First and foremost, we're running TWO awesome contests throughout the month of October, ending 10/31.

Cindy from Princess Bookie is running a CRAZY HUGE contest where there are 4 different winners who can win up to 6 ARCs! There's no set end date, so make sure you enter it today!

And at all times, the FNC has a list of ongoing contests from throughout the blogosphere. Seriously, check it out to your right ---->
That's 'cause we want you to win stuff, even if it's not from us. :-D

And if you ever have a contest, feel free to email us (firstnovelsclub [at] gmail [dot] com), and we'll add it to our sidebar!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Would you please go to my new blog and become a follower? It is a blog that simply lists contests that I find for my friends and those who come looking for blogs behind me.

    Thanks! Brenda


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