
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wondrous Linkage, Library Love, and Inspiration Abounds

First off, there's a fantastic web site you need to check out --, the fabulous brainchild of Mary Kole, an associate agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency. The articles are wonderful. Plus, there's a query contest that's drool-worthy. You can thank me later.

Secondly, I snuck over to the library across the street from work...and left with 8 books. My name is Donna, and I have a YA addiction. But this is what's awesome about blogging -- all you lovely fellow YA readers will be JUST AS EXCITED as I am! Here's my stash:

The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Carrie Ryan

How to Be Bad - E. Lockhart, Sarah Mlynowski, and Lauren Myracle

The Year of Secret Assignments - Jaclyn Moriarty

Twenty Boy Summer - Sarah Ockler

Paper Towns - John Green

Looking for Alaska - John Green

Take Me There - Susane Colasanti

Perfect You - Elizabeth Scott

Don't ask me when I'm going to read these, in addition to the pile of TBRs I already have at home. But I'm GIDDY. (As you can see, I'm going with a theme of non-paranormal/fantasy/dystopian books (besides The Forest of Hands and Teeth) because that's alllll I've been devouring lately.)

Please, please recommend where I should begin!

I'll leave you with a second link - to It's absolutely addictive and hilarious (if you're a little twisted), and it might just help you bust out of your writing rut.


  1. I thoroughly enjoy Sarah Mlynowski, so I'm going to say start there.

    PLus, make sure to check out and be able to keep track of all the books you have read and want to read!


  2. Passive Aggresive Notes is one of the funniest websites ever. Love it.

  3. Oh, Donna, you MUST read Year of Secret Assignments. One of the funniest and most adorable books. Ever.

    Of course it also depends on your mood. If you're in the mood for dark and brooding and oh sooo compelling, read Forest of Hands and Teeth. But don't read it at night if you are prone to nightmares (I mentioned this book in my blog in September).

    Thanks for the links.

  4. Alright, I started with Sarah because of Brittany. How To Be Bad... rocked. More on that later.

    Up next, The Year of Secret Assignments! Thanks, Joanne!

  5. Thanks for the great link. Would love to hear what you thought of Forest of Hands and Teeth.

  6. Fantastic books! I really enjoyed Forest of Hands and Teeth. I just had to stop by and say YES to the comment you left on my blog: I certainly agree that YA books are going to take to the stars in the near future. I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi (yet) but I just finished The Warrior's Apprentice, the first Young Miles book by Lois McMaster Bujold, and not only was it hilarious and YA-ish, but it was also sci-fi. I was reading it thinking, I could do this! Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking books have been so popular too (and I love them) and they're sci-fi. I might have to turn my writing in that direction! Though I'm not good with all the air locks and engine fuel stuff...

  7. Thank you for pointing me to Passive Aggressive notes. Love it! (And great post, by the way. This is one of my favorite blogs I follow--and I follow quite a few!)

  8. Awww Shannon you're making us blush!

    And The Forest of Hands and Teeth will come after The Year of Secret Assignments. Thanks, Rhiannon & TerryLynn!

  9. Thanks for the site info. I will definitely check it out.

  10. What an amazing list! For my own selfish reasons I would love you to read The Forest of Hands and Teeth! I would love to read your review! I've been debating about this book for some time...
