
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Before We Had Followers...

Hello, followers! We love you! (Seriously, we get giddy every time we get a comment.) And we know that many of you are relatively new to the FNC world. Before October when there were, like, five people reading this blog, we had some pretty cool posts that we think you'd enjoy.

With only minor further ado...


Interview with Gayle Forman (Author of IF I STAY)  
"But suddenly, I was writing this character talking about being drawn to the cello because it seemed like it would tell you secrets. And I believed it. I believed her."

The Little Mermaid: YA Character Study 
"Ariel also has a driven side to her nature, she sees what she wants..a fork!...Eric!...Legs!....and she goes after it no matter what the cost! Gotta love a girl who goes for what she wants."

SHIVER co-review
Frankie - Maggie was brave enough to let Sam and Grace speak for themselves, allow the love to speak for itself and carry the story and this is why I think the story stays with you and why you find yourself caring so much. Oh also…Sam…
Donna (getting a little warm) - Never did I think I’d want to fall in love with a werewolf. Think of all the shedding on the carpets! And wet dog smell! But oh no, somehow Maggie made Sam’s unfortunate condition a non-issue, and even the less attractive parts of werewolf-dom are easily forgettable.

Beth Revis guest post on The Revision Process 
Step 3: Select Readers 
Your Mom. Because she wants to read it, too, so let her read it. And she'll tell you it's great, and by the time you get to this point, it *is* great, and she'll give you the confidence to submit.

For the love of a Series...  
"I have this love/hate relationship with them (why God WHY can't we tie authors to their computers until they finish the next book?!), but only because they can be so. darn. good."

Sneak Peek Week
Check out snippets of our WIPs! (Sara, Frankie, Donna, and Janine)

Vampire Diaries Episode 4 Recap  
(seriously, it's my favorite out of all the Frankie recaps) 
Damon and Stefan have a moment:
Stefan: Yes, being a 150 yr old teenager has been the height of my happiness. Hahahahahaha!
Damon's Eyebrows: Are lively.
Stefan: (smolders and looks hot and every bit the tortured soulless 150 year old vampire teenager he is)
Damon: Ewww you put Anti-Damon in my drink. Phhh! I spit it out. You can't roofie me! Now I'm angry.

Now it's your turn! What post are you especially proud of in your blog? We want to read it! Leave a link below in the comments.


  1. Your co-review of Shiver cracked me up! Great job!

  2. haha you guys rock...great posts. hopefully you've signed up for the Vampire Diaries challenge over at My Friend Amy's blog...I am almost as obsessed as you guys over the series!


  3. Nice co-review of Shiver, thanks re-posting these!

  4. Loved the Gayle Forman interview. If I Stay was amazing!

  5. Great idea, this "before we were famous" post. I got a kick out of your co-review of SHIVER. And not just because I love the book. And I really enjoyed your Sneak Peek Week. Other than Frankie, I'd never had a chance to see what you're all writing.

    As for my own blog, well, actually, the post I liked best was one of the posts that got zero comments:

  6. Love the post! I'm one of those newbies here and appreciate the catch up!

  7. Yay! It was really hard to narrow down the posts to a handful (seriously, we post A LOT), but I'm so glad you liked the ones I chose!

  8. Finally had a chance to check your post today (at 11:21 pm-grrr!)

    Loved these old posts. Your blog is so much fun--I can't decide whose posts I enjoy more.

    As far as my old posts, I guess I like one in which I explain why I was "The Girl Who'd Never Seen Star Wars" whilst attending a film school funded by George Lucas. (

    Or the one where I explain how I almost accidentally ended up as an extra in a soft core adult film (

    But they're not nearly as good as your stuff. Note to self, must dive through your archives more. :)


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