
Monday, November 23, 2009

Come Along for the Ride -- Amazing Book Signing Weekend and BIG CONTEST!!!

You may have heard the buzz recently that just about every author, editor, agent and publisher in the world (ok...not in the world) but a WHOLE lot of awesomeness came to Philadelphia, where we just happen to live. Yay us! So while we didn't actually get to attend the NCTE conference, we still managed to make it to a few book signings, got to meet and re-meet many cool authors and editors and most importantly, we got books signed.

Stay tuned. We're about to tell you everything.

It'll almost be like you were there and at the bottom of the post, we have presents for you, so if you win the contest, it'll be like you really were there with the signed books and swag to prove it!

Sunday morning bright and early, the FNC chicas got on the road to West Chester to have breakfast with Laurie Halse Anderson and Sarah Dessen at Joanne's really sweet independent book store, the Chester County Book and Music Company. After we ate and had some coffee, Laurie and Sarah spoke briefly before opening the floor to questions.

Sarah Dessen Opening Remarks:
-She always felt like her books were boring, especially compared to the paranormal stuff out there and that growing up and now she's always liked "boring" books.
-Sarah spoke briefly about taking intense writing courses in college where everyone else wrote very serious dark stories full of angst and in her stories, people went to prom. Her classmates all dressed in black and considered her cute.
-For a brief period she tried to write dark stories too, but it never worked.
-Sarah feels that life is complicated enough for teenagers without having to bring a supernatural element into the equation.
-She only writes about regular girls, normal girls, though she admits she doesn't know what's "normal."
-The changes she underwent in high school had lots of intensity that can inspire her stories. Now motherhood has a similar feeling of constant change and intensity to it. There's no handbook, no rules. She now has greater appreciation and sympathy for the mom characters in her novels.

Laurie Halse Anderson Opening Remarks:
-This was her last day of publicity for 4 months (so we got lucky seeing her).
-Laurie and Sarah do a lot of signings together because their books tend to complement each other, though Laurie said she jokingly refers to Sarah as "Glenda the Good."
-Got her early love of writing from her father who loved poetry.
-Her parents always joke that she can write as much as she wants about them as long as they're dead.
-She thought they were insane when she was in high school, and fully believes that adolescence is hard!

The FNC's pile o' books for signing.

Question and Answer...

Sarah on the movie How To Deal
The screenwriter who wrote the screenplay was also a writer for the MTV show Daria. Though it was optioned and had a script, nothing really happened with the movie until Mandy Moore read it. Mandy loved the script and wanted to star in it and thus history was made. Sarah got to meet Mandy Moore twice, they have one picture together and everyone in Sarah's house LOVES Mandy Moore.

Laurie Halse Anderson pays $1 to whoever asks the first question
Laurie hates how women are taught to be shy and meek and quiet and so being the first to ask a question is a big deal and she likes to reward that, although if you like being quiet, than more power to you. She is just anti the idea of HAVING to be quiet.

What keeps you motivated to write?
LHA: College tuition!
SD: You won't accomplish much if you wait for the muse.
LHA: Jane Yolen has it down...B.I.C. Butt in Chair. If people really understood the monetary pay off for a writing career, no one would go into it.

On First Drafts:
LHA hates first drafts, they make her feel stupid. The language is stilted, you don't fully know the character yet, descriptions are cliche. She LOVES revisions because she gets to take a steaming pile of yuck and make it better.
LHA advises that you figure out what you love to do more than anything in the world and then find a way to get people to pay you for it. She loves to do revisions.

On Being a Full Time Author:
SD: That basically means that she has no other job, writing is her only source of income. She used to teach creative writing classes, now she focuses on her writing and takes care of her daughter.
LHA: Works on writing and author-work (blogging, twittering, running the website, signings, events etc) all the time. She'd love to get down to working on 60 hours a week.

The FNC and Courtney!

On the True Story behind their Stories:
LHA writes about things that make her angry. She feels teens are disrespected and wants the world to be a better place for them. For Wintergirls she never went through the experiences of her characters, but she has struggled with body image since the age of 11 and so the story was fueled by her emotional background and then grew through lots of research.
SD says that something that just actually happened to her isn't interesting. If you're telling a true story you're not creating. But all stories start with truth. Along for the Ride is about a girl who is always worrying about the next step, never stopping to take a minute to herself to actually pause and breathe and be in the moment and enjoy where she's at. Sarah is like that and knows many teens and college students who are the same way. When you reach a goal, then you suddenly have to set the bar higher and what do you do if you're not striving for the next thing?
SD also sometimes writes about the dynamic funny girl that everyone wanted to hang out with. Sarah wanted to be that girl, but she was quiet and hung out with those sorts of girls and became the chronicler of stories or the oracle of her friends, remembering everything that happened between them.

On the Overlap of Characters and Places in Sarah Dessen's Books:
Started with readers asking for a sequel to Someone Like You. The ending is complete, but maybe not the tightest end. Sarah won't write sequels, but having Scarlett appear in This Lullaby was her little nod to readers who wanted to know Scarlett was ok.  However it happens more often now and she isn't always aware of it. The overlap also stems from the fact that she lives in her hometown where everything overlaps and repeats, so it makes sense to her.

Janine and Sara reading Laurie Halse Anderson's picture book
The Hair of Zoe Fleefenbacher Goes to School

Laurie Halse Anderson on Outlines:
She doesn't outline for her contemporary books. She doesn't want to completely know how it's going to turn out for her characters. But for her historical novels she outlines like a nutcase and obsesses over every detail down to what material was used for underwear.

How Long Does It Take To Write a Book?
LHA: 1 year for a YA, 2 years for a historical
SD: 7 months

On Writing from a Male Perspective:
SD: Has never written a male MC before, doesn't plan to, but never says never. She just doesn't know what boys are thinking and she thinks she doesn't want to know.
LHA: Has written a male MC before. Approaches it like you are writing a book outside of your culture, so you must approach the writing as you would a multicultural novel where you are outside your element. You must assume nothing, clear your mind and write with complete respect.

How Many Books Do You Write At Once?
LHA: 3-4
SD: 1

On Distractions from Writing:
LHA mentioned that her husband, a carpenter, built her a cottage to avoid distractions. Distractions from her writing can be anything: the dog, the internet. She has no phone and no internet in the cottage. It's important to disconnect!
SD's biggest distractions are the internet and her toddler. She also mentioned that even if you are working from home and you are your own boss (which is usually the case for full time writers) you must take your work seriously or no one else will. A friend wouldn't stop by and start chatting if you were serving tables at a restaurant, so just because you're sitting at home, that's not an invitation. You're working!

On What They're Reading:
LHA: Reads a lot of non-fiction and adult mysteries. She is not a fan of literary fiction or short stories in the New Yorker. She just likes a good story to sweep her up. She also reads outside her genre (except for friend's books like SD). Getting sucked into a story where she can stop self-editing is the best feeling in the world.
SD: Lots of non-fiction and audio. She reads outside of her genre too because she doesn't want to write what everyone else is writing. Recently loved Olive Kittredge's latest book.

Frankie and Donna signage!

Getting Our Books Signed...
Sarah was a total sweetheart and Laurie was very cool! They both took the time to chat with every person in line. We decided to gift Laurie's latest book Wintergirls to Gretchen Haertsch, our Writing for Children instructor who brought the FNC together. In Gretchen's class we all read our first Laurie Halse Anderson book, Catalyst, so Laurie wrote a really sweet message in Gretchen's book about her being a catalyst for writers! Laurie also has a tattoo of the first word in Beowulf in Olde English on her wrist.  Not only did they sign all of our books, they posed for pictures with us too! We took an official FNC picture and also some pics with Courtney who is becoming an honorary FNC member. You might remember her from the Epic New York Signing with Suzanne Collins.

The FNC with Laurie and Sarah!

Next...we caravanned to Haverford to another indie, Children's Book World, for a signing with... Laurie Halse Anderson (again!), T.A. Barron, Sarah Dessen (again!), Steve Kluger, Justine Larbelestier, David Levithan, Lauren Myracle, Scott Westerfeld, and Jacqueline Woodson.

Donna with Justine Larbalestier and Sara with Scott Westerfeld

One highlight was seeing T.A. Barron again. He is one of the sweetest and most sincere writers I've met and his ability to encourage is amazing. Another huge highlight was David Levithan!!!

Meeting David Levithan
The FNC was lucky enough to run into Maggie Stiefvater during the weekend and she gushed about how sweet David was as a person. He was really fun to meet, though we had a brief fangirl moment of speechlessness. I mean, wouldn't you? He's the editor for Shiver AND The Hunger Games and the author of awesome books like Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Love is the Higher Law, and the upcoming Will Grayson, Will Grayson which he co-authored with John Green. (He highly recommends How to Say Goodbye in Robot, another book he edited.) So cool!

Lauren Myracle was also great to meet and very funny. She and Donna chatted about How to Be Bad and was so excited that Donna loved it so much.

Donna and Lauren Myracle

After a long day...we headed back to Sara's to meet her new dog, Huck, stuff our faces with half cheese pizza (no cheese for the vegan) and to have our critique meeting. What a day!

We hope our recap successfully made you feel like you were Along for the Ride with us, but just in case you want something more than a t-shirt that says "I went along for the ride with the FNC and all I got was this t-shirt"--Ok, so we don't have a t-shirt, but we do have this...

A SIGNED hardcover of Sarah Dessen's Along for the Ride, and an ARC of Will Grayson, Will Grayson signed by David Levithan.
Plus all of this sweet swag from the day!
(as seen in a picture of all the books Donna got)

- set of four Leviathan postcards (middle, left, far right)
- Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks pin (right)
- Sarah Dessen magnets (bottom left)
- Liar bookmark (bottom (far) right)

To enter:
You must be a follower.
+1 if you comment below AND tell us which author you'd most like to meet
+1 if you tweet about our contest
+1 if you repost/link on your blog
For a total of three entries!

The Fine Print:
Contest is open worldwide. Winner will be contacted by email at the close of contest. If you do not leave your email address in your comment, it is your responsibility to check back at the FNC blog to see if you've won. You have 72 hours to claim your prize, or an alternate winner will be chosen.

Contest runs until 12/1 at 11:59PM EST.


  1. Wish I could've been there! I would've like to meet Laurie Halse Anderson.


    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  2. Great giveaway! Love all the pictures!

    +1 - I'd love to meet Gail Carriger. She's the author of Soulless and she just sounds so odd yet super cool!

    +1 Tweeted
    +1 on my sidebar!

  3. I would love to meet Scott Westerfeld! Sounds like a great outing - would have loved to attend.

    Retweeted Jessy's tweet - I don't know how to give that link...urgh.

    parajunkee (@)

  4. I would love to meet David Levithan

    +1 Tweeted : princessbookie8
    +1 sidebar

    = 3 entries!


  5. I totally wish I could have met Laurie!

    I'm not far from Philly- I wish I would have went, great blog, guys!

  6. I wish I could've met Scott Westerfeld! I think the "Uglies" series is what really got me interested in YA.

    I will give this contest some linky love soon!

  7. Great!!! Please count me in ;)

    +1 That´s hard, I love Sarah Dessen... and I love Laurie too... but if I have to choose... well... I would like to meet Sarah... I love her books.
    +1 tweeted:
    +1 link on sidebar:


  8. OMG!!! I totally want to meet Sarah Dessen!


  9. An insightfull post on "Come Along for the Ride -- Amazing Book Signing Weekend and BIG CONTEST!!".And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using

    Edwin- Working Moms make more

  10. Wow, amazing events!! I'm so jealous. "SD: Has never written a male MC before, doesn't plan to, but never says never. She just doesn't know what boys are thinking and she thinks she doesn't want to know." Ha, ditto. I love these recaps.

    Don't enter me in contest tho :)

  11. I would so like to meet Sarah Dessen.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  12. Want it! Want it! Wanti it! I mean... them! All of them!

    +1 I'd love to meet Scott Westerfeld. I've read almost every book he's published (exept for Leviathan so I REALLY WANT IT!).

    +1 Tweeted:

    +1 On my sidebar:

    Anda my mail....

  13. Scott Westerfeld. I love his uglies series and i want to read leviathan. He is great at making these worlds. :)

  14. I tweeted about this giveaway:

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  15. I posted on my blog:

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  16. +1 I would love to meet John Green! He's so funny, and I love his books.

    +1 Tweeted:


  17. I haven't started my new Twitter account yet! But I did mention this on my blog:

    And, assuming I'm choosing from the AMAZING authors included in this post, I would have to say I'd like to meet Justine Larbelestier. I thought the way she handled/brought attention to the issue with her book cover on Liar was just outstanding, and she seems like such a thoughtful, intelligent person who would make a great conversationalist. I've also been relishing her NaNo tips. Plus I'm hoping that Scott Westerfeld would have to either pick her up/drop her off, so I'd get a bonus minute or two with him, as well!

    Here's my email for the entry: heather (dot) trese (at) gmail (dot) com.

  18. I am a follower.
    From all authors, I would probably like to meet Susan Collins. I would like to talk to her about the Hunger Games. I would also like to meet Meg Cabot and J.K. Rowling.
    It would be coolest to meet Jane Austen, my favorite author ever, but saddly that is not possible.

  19. First off, I'm so freaking jealous. This is amazing you guys!! Thanks for the great write up.

    As for the writer I would have liked to meet, I think I have to go with Sarah Dessen, but it's a tough call between her and Laurie Halse Anderson. I'm going with Sarah because I think we might have more in common.

  20. +1 I've actually met some of these authors already! But I would LOVE to meet Sarah Dessen.
    +1 twitter:
    +1 sidebar:

  21. Awesome recap!

    +1 I have to say I am very jealous because one another I would love to meet is Sarah Dessen. I've read her since her first book came out, and I don't care how old I get, she'll always be my favorite author :)

    +1 Twitter:


  22. Wow!! I love the post! Thanks!! I soo wish I could have been there!

    +1 The author I wanted to meet the most was Kristin Cashore and I already met her- So I think now I'm going to say Sarah Dessen!
    +1 link on sidebar:

    crystalreviews AT gmail DOT com

  23. I'm a follower!

    +1 I would love to meet Laurie Halse Anderson. I've loved her work since I was a kid and she's just an overall amazing author!
    +1 Tweeted it!
    +1 Sidebar Link

  24. New follower!

    +1 I'd love to meet J.K Rowling, hands down. I'm pretty sure I'd dance on the spot and/or hyperventilate.
    +1 if you tweet about our contest (
    +1 if you repost/link on your blog (going up on my sidebar @ - under Giveaways & Contests)

    Excellent giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!


  25. Sounds great!
    I would love to meet Suzzanne Collins!

    +1 twitted about it! @PheonixFire2

  26. Of those mentioned, I'd want to meet Sarah Dessen-I've loved her books since I read This Lullaby a few years ago. But Jane Austen is also a fave and I'm sure she'd be really fun to hang out with.

    stephaniefleischer889 [at] gmail [dot] com

  27. +1 I'd really want to meet Sarah Dessen because I absolutely love her books and I always go back and reread them. I'd also really like to meet Steve Kluger because even though I've only read one book by him, it is one of my favorite books of all time basically.
    +1 if you tweet about our contest (
    +1 if you repost/link on your blog (sidebar -


  28. This is really cool! I like how you highlighted what was said. I had a lot of fun reading this post. :)

    There's a contest too?! In for sure. ;)

    +1 I'd actually love to meet Sarah or Laurie that would be awesome. Also...Elizabeth Scott, Simone Elkeles, Susane Colasanti, and a million more.

  29. I am a follower. :)

    Sarah Dessen would be fun to meet. I would love to just talk books with her!

    journey through books @ gmail dot com

  30. What an awesome opportunity you had to meets all those authors!

    +1 I would love a chance to meet Nicholas Sparks.
    +1 Tweeted
    +1 Sidebar link

    thebookvixen at gmail dot com

  31. Sounds amazing!! =)

    I would definitely want to meet Sarah Dessen. She's my favourite author and she seems like such a cool person.

    Tweeted -

    = +2


  32. +1 I would love to meet Sarah Dessen

    +1 Tweeted:

    +1 Sidebar


  33. +1 Sarah Dessen! She's such an amazing author and I've loved all her books.

    kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com

  34. I would also like to meet Suzanne Collins, she seems like a cool person, and I would really like to talk to her about the Hunger games, and the movie!


  35. Oh, how fun to meet so many authors!

    I'm going to assume you meant ANY author, so I'm going to have to go with Jane Austen. What an influence she's had on culture even a few hundred years later!

    But, if I had to do a living author, I'd probably pick Laurie Anderson. She must have so much interesting stuff to say!


  36. I'm a follower!

    +1 I would like to meet Meg Cabot because I love her imagination and her story-telling skills.
    +1 tweeted about contest:
    +1 sidebar:

  37. +1 I want to meet J.K rowling so badly, and Suzanne Collins, I love so much the hunger games! I cant wait to read the third book!

    +1 tweeted

    +1 sidebar ok?

  38. Thanks for the opportunity!
    I'm a follower


  39. Great contest gals! Glad you had so much fun. I've met Justine myself, but would LOVE to meet her husband - Scott Westerfeld. :)

    I'm a follower!

    dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Dang, I messed that one up. Have to start over:

    Nice, and very thorough recap, Frankie. Good job to all of you. It was fun seeing you all again. Ahem, it's not MY store. I just work there. But thanks. And thanks for buying books. We had a great day.

    I believe the book Sarah referred to was entitled OLIVE KITTERIDGE and written by Elizabeth Strout.

    Hey, I'm a follower and I'd LOVE to meet Scott Westerfeld. We came THIS close to having him at the store on Sunday morning too.

  42. Thanks for the ride!
    +1 I'd like to meet Sarah Dessen. Just Listen was the first book by her I've read and it's amazing!
    +1 sidebar link

  43. Aw I would love to have heard Laurie speak. Lucky ladies!


  44. I would love to meet either Gena Showalter or Richelle Mead. I love their work!

    I am a follower.

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  45. I'm a new follower. Yay!!

    I would like to meet Karen Kingsbury.

    Tweet! Tweet!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  46. Great contest, thank you to post this!!

    Yes, I am a follower: I've read every entry of yours ever since I became one ;)

    +1: I'd really really really like to meet Suzanne Collins. And... Richelle Mead. Ooops! that makes two! LOL But actually, it's between the both of them. If I were forced to choose, I would probably just split myself in two.

    +1: tweeted:

    +1: link in my sidebar:



  47. I would want to meet Becca Fitzpatrick (the one who wrote Hush, Hush? :) or Rick Riordan (the one who wrote Percy Jackson series? :)

    Of course, I'm a follower!

    I linked it in my sidebar too!

    email. theveronicaproject[at]gmail[dot]com

    ~ Veronica

  48. Sounds like fun!! I would love to meet Sarah Dessen! She's awesome!

  49. That sounds awesome! I wish I could have gone.

    +1 I'd want to meet Sarah Dessen! She's my favorite author.

    +1 Posted on my sidebar at

  50. Most certainly Scott Westerfeld just because he's gotten so many of my students reading and I'd love to share that with him!

    +1 tweeted

  51. My first entry got eaten by a Firefox monster. Here it is again, in case it didn't come through...

    I'd love to meet Laurie Anderson. If for no other reason than to congratulate her on the "$1 to speak up" idea! Love it!

    I posted on my sidebar at

    I tweeted about it:

    And of course, I'm now following the blog.

    Thanks for the chance to enter!


  52. Sounds like it was an awesome weekend! I definitely felt "Along for the Ride" ;) SO cool that Laurie's husband built her a cottage so she can write away from her distractions!

    +1 The author I would most like to meet is J.K Rowling. Purely because I've been a fan since 2002 and her books have been a huge part of my life - I would absolutely love the chance to meet and chat with her!


    Awesome contest!! Thanks!

  53. My first reaction is to say that I would absolutely DIE to meet Neil Gaiman again. I ADORE him, and I was half dead when I met him after an 8 hour non-stop car drive (just to see him before turning around and driving right back). But I guess since I've already met him, I would love to meet Meg Cabot. I just love her!

    I tweeted it here:
    It's in my sidebar under The Contest List


  54. +1 I am a follower. I would like to meet David Mitchell and pick his brain.
    +1 Sidebar link @ Book Rat
    +1 Tweet @ here


  55. Great contest!;)

    +1 I`d really really love to meet Richelle Mead. Simply because the Vampire Academy series are one of my favs and because she seems so nice and sweet;)

    +1 I tweeted:

  56. +1 I would love to meet Melvin Burgess

  57. I would LOVE to win this!!
    Thankyou!! :D:D:D
    I would love to met Scott Westerfeld.


  58. woah look at that conquest! lol
    I'm particularly interested in Will Grayson, Will Grayson =D

    +1 I'd personally love to meet...Terry Prachett XD or does it have to be an author from this post? then Scott Westerfeld =)

    +1 tweeted

    +1 sidebar

    total +3


  59. +1 I'm a follower and I really would love to meet Sarah Dessen. I feel like she knows my life. I swear most of her books are based on my family life *sigh* Her books really touch me and they all make me cry because they hit so close to home.

    +1 tweeted (

    +1 Sidebar link and post (


  60. I would most love to meet Maureen Johnson. She's hilarious.
    +1 sidebar



  61. I would love to meet Sarah Dessen.
    Im a follower.
    battyaboutbats at

  62. Enter me!
    I'm a follower. I'd most like to meet J.K Rowling.

  63. I can't pick just one! I've narrowed it down to two, but I can't do any better than that. I would love to meet either Julia Hoban or Laura Wiess...or Kelley Armstrong. Sorry, I narrowed it down to three. I couldn't leave Kelley out!

    +1 Tweeted
    +1 Linked

  64. Wow, I'm glad you had a great time! I would actually love to meet all of them, haha. But hmm, if I had to choose one? I'd say Robin Benway. Or...Cherry Cheva. Both? :D

    +1 commented
    +1 linked on sidebar here


  65. Wow, i'm so completely jealous you guys got to meet all those great authors!
    +1 follower, and I would want to meet John Green because he writes amazing books and posts amazing vlogs. Also, JK Rowling because then I could have an answer to the "best moment of your life" question.


  66. I'd love to meet Scott Westerfeld!

    Already a follower.


  67. I'm a follower. :)

    +1 I think I'd love to meet Melissa de la Cruz cause she's (part?) Filipino, and I am one too! :)

    +1 tweeted this:

    +1 linked this on my sidebar:


  68. Looked like fun! I think it would be fun to meet Richelle Mead =)

  69. I'd like to meet Isabelle Allende :D She must be a very cool lady.

    +1 tweeted about this contest here:


  70. I am a follower
    +1 I'd love to me JK Rowling!!

    infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

  71. Awesome, thanks! I'm following. I would love, love, love to meet J.K. Rowling!
    adrienne2093 at comcast dot net

  72. Seriously amazing contest!


  73. I'm a follower.

    I wish I'd met David Leviathan!

    neohippy10 hotmail

  74. I follow!
    +1 I would most like to meet Shannon Hale! She's awesome!
    +1 tweet:
    +1 blog:

    sena.sagani [at] gmail [dot] com

  75. Great contest!

    -Blog follower

    +1 I would love to meet Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Chloe Neill and Seanan McGuire.

    Van P.

  76. I'm a follower =)

    +1 I would love to meet Becca Fitzpatrick and ask her about her wonderful book!

    +1 Tweeted:

    +1 On the sidebar:

    Thanks so much!

  77. Holy fricken chicken this is an awesome contest of epic proportions! Soooo many cool things...

    +1: Out of all the authors I love, there is a tie between Suzanne Collins and Richelle Mead on who I would most like to meet! Though i would totally be psyched out of my mind to meet any of the authors you did because they are totaly awesome!
    +1: Tweet-
    +1: Linked to Sidebar-


  78. +1 I'd most like to meet scott westerfeld, he seems like a cool guy.
    +1 posted here

  79. +1 I'd like to meet Laurie Halse Anderson.

  80. OHH I would love to meet Stephanie Meyer - I think :) She's my hero LOL but there's sooo many I would love to meet, that's hard to decide!


  81. Ooh. WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON! Would love to win that. Please enter me. I'm a follower.

    +I would most like to meet Patricia Briggs. Just love her writing.

  82. I'm a new follower!
    I'd love to meet Scott Westerfeld! Just read Uglies and loved it, and I think it'd be interesting to meet him :)

    ella_press AT live DOT com DOT ar


  83. Please count me in!

    I'm a new follower
    +1 I'd like to meet Sarah Dessen :-)
    +1 Link on sidebar


    thanks! ;-)

  84. This is an awesome contest! Looks like you had a lot of fun at the signing. Already follower.

    +1 Scott Westerfeld, Marissa Doyle, or Lauren Oliver


  85. Wonderful giveaway!

    +1 I'd love to meet Sarah Dessen.

  86. +1
    Definitaly David x3 He is the most amazing author, ive read alot of his books. Or Scott. :) YAY
    +1 if you tweet about our contest


  87. Awesome contest!!


    +1 I would love to meet Karen Kingsbury, an amazing Christian author of many books

    +1 Tweet Tweet!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  88. +1 I would love to meet Sarah Dessen. One of my first YA reads was Keeping the Moon and I loved it!

    +1 Sidebar:

  89. Wow, what a great contest! =)

    I think I would love meeting Sarah Dessen, I've read all of her books and they all are just amazing to me.


Thanks so much for reading our blog, and we really appreciate you taking the time to comment! We read every one, and we try to respond to all of them via email/comment.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.