
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Woohooo! I'm super excited to announce the winners of our two HUGE contests this October. Thank you everyone for entering, participating, blogging, reposting, retweeting,  and commenting--you're awesome! And if you didn't win, no worries, we have another amazing contest coming up....

So the results are in and the winner of SERIAL KILLERS and STALKERS is...

Pirate Penguin! Congrats, you won ARCS of Deadly Little Lies and The Body Finder!

The winners of our HUGE Laurie Faria Stolarz giveaway are...

Sab H. who won a signed copy of Stacey's Spellbook

Briana who also won a signed copy of Stacey's Spellbook

Erica who won a signed copy of Black is for Beginnings

Kate who also won a signed copy of Black is for Beginnings

Kat - who won a signed copy of Deadly Little Lies

Denise who won a signed copy of Deadly Little Secret
Yay, do a little dance, run around, shake your booty and throw the confetti! Congrats!
Thank you everyone and super special thank you to Laurie Faria Stolarz and Kimberly Derting for providing the books!
Contest winners, you're getting emails from The First Novels Club today, please email back within 48 hours to claim your prize!


  1. Woo! I've been looking forward to Deadly Little Lies ever since I finished Deadly Little Secret!

    Thanks for hosting a great contest, and congrats to all the other winners!

  2. SERIOUSLY? :D You'll be getting my email very soon then! xD

  3. So jealous of the winners! Congrats everyone!

  4. Woo, deadly little lies would be amazing to win!


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