
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Frankie's 2 Year Anniversary FNC Sneak Peek!

I am SO excited to be working with the FNC-I can't believe that 2 years have already passed and we've all made so much progress! Things are about to get very exciting since Donna, Janine and I are prepping for the Query Wars--btw did you see Donna's awesome snippet from Tuesday?

Ok--so here's mine! BTW anybody who also follows me at my other blog Frankie Writes knows that I've recently been struggling with what to call my WIP--it's gone from The Seven Sisters Brandywine to Brandywine to Rose Lily to STOLEN at the moment.

So here's an excerpt from STOLEN:

----Sorry guys, I've removed this excerpt as I'm going to be querying my novel shortly---

Why I Write?
I write because I absolutely have to, because I feel compelled to, because I have this feeling deep down in my heart and in the pit of my stomach that this was what I was meant to do and because I have this story to tell that came to me in a dream and if I don't tell it I don't think I'll ever be at peace. I write because its the thing I LOVE to do more than anything else in the world. I write, because that's just what I do.


  1. I must read this book. *pokes* I must read, I must read.

  2. I MUST read this Frankie!! I love this snippet. A LOT.

    I've been wondering what FNC stood for, and now I'm like - oh DUH. haha. Love this site!

    Okay so back to your words. Will you plesae, pretty please, post some more? *sticks lower lip out and bats eyelashes*

  3. Mireyah---yay! Thank you!!!

    Sara--you are making me smile!! Thank you!! And hahah yes, FNC=First Novels Club.

    I'm a big fan of how you both said you MUST read this. *blushing :-)

  4. Love it, Frankie! I'm with Mireyah and Sara, WHEN do we get to read more?

  5. Thanks Sarah-you guys are totally making my week!!

  6. I must've read that scene 5 times before, but it still gets me! Looks fabulous!!!! Damn, you do this well, woman!

  7. Hahahaha I love it when you call me Woman, Donna! :-)

  8. Ooh, very nice! Tension, a little romantic angst, action, character notes. Well done, good lady.

    And I'm discovering these days that I also write because I have to. It's not a choice anymore. I need it.

  9. This is amazing! Thank you for sharing Frankie. Can't wait to see where this story takes you and to be standing in a bookstore and pgh and see it on the stands for all to see. Very inspirational why you write!!

  10. Good pick, Frankie. I love this scene. Nice tension!

  11. A preview of Frankie's work? It's like Christmas early!

  12. JM-Thank you!!!!

    Janine-hahaha this scene only rocks because of your amazing insight and patience with me--thank you!!!!

    Heather--if I could jump through the internets and hug you right now I would!!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Well, I don't like having to follow that weird comment above that looks like um, porn spam, but, great scene, Frankie! I loved the much earlier version I read of this scene and I still love it. Tense and tight.

    And I LOVE your new title. That's perfect.

  15. Thanks Joanne-thats a relief that you still like it (and that you like it at all). Also spam is gone! WHEW!

  16. Wow that was amazing!1 I want to read moore!! asap!! lol it was just soo great and your writing I just love it!:)

    I hope soo much that your book will be released:)


  17. Anya, THANK YOU! That made me smile! Stay tuned...I'm going to be posting a kissing scene for the kissing day blogfest on Monday!:-)


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