
Saturday, January 16, 2010

The FNC in the News and Out and About

Where can you find the members of the First Novels Club this month?

Quite a few places online and in person!

First up, we were recently featured in two articles from our alma mater, Arcadia University. You can hear more about what we're working on and how we all got together and work as a group and individually.

Article 1: Frankie Mallis: Writing the Dream

Article 2: First Novels Club Makes Buzz in the Literary World

And Donna was just a guest at the amazing Guide to Literary Agents Blog. Check out her post!

Donna's Post: 7 Things I've Learned So Far

This Sunday, Sara and Frankie will be at The Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Mentoring Workshop in New Jersey. We'll be getting 30 pages of our WIPs critiqued by editors and agents and meeting other writers. Our friend fellow YA writer and blogger Kelly Lyman will be there too.

Then next Saturday in Lehigh, PA, Frankie and Donna will be attending a Query Writing Workshop with none other than query butt-kicking agent, Janet Reid!

And in two weeks all four members of the FNC will be taking NYC for the SCBWI Winter Conference!!! We know some of you will be there too, so please come find us and say hi!!! We're excited to meet you and see some old faces again. We'll be easily recognizable carrying totebags that say First Novels Club on them!! So definitely let us know when you see us!

Stay tuned because we have lots and lots of exciting posts coming up and lots to report!


  1. Congrats, ladies, on being out and about in the news. Nice guest post too, Donna.

  2. Wow, you ladies are just all over the news. And it's well-deserved. I mean, any writing group that has its own tote bags is pretty cool. Congratulations.

    BTW, the second article link didn't work for me. Kept coming up with an error message.

    Good luck at the mentoring conference!

  3. Simon - Thanks! Bloggers like you keep me going!

    Joanne - Hahaha yes, we're just that awesome that we have our own tote bags. Or maybe ridiculously dorky? But what better way to meet people? And thanks for the link note -- I fixed it!

    Emma - Thanks much!

  4. Oooo a workshop with Janet! Sounds wonderful!


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