
Thursday, January 28, 2010

The FNC Takes Manhattan

Hey Everyone! Just a quick reminder that tomorrow all four FNC members are heading out to New York for the SCBWI Winter Conference! Yay!

We promise to keep you posted (during the weekend as much as possible but definitely when we're back). We'll be taking super thorough notes as usual, lots of pictures and come back with as much fun and interesting info as we can manage.

And for anyone who is planning to be at the conference or just in New can also find us Friday Night at the Kid Lit Drinks Night...make sure you come say hi to us. We're excited to meet everyone.

And just so we're easily recognizable, we'll all be carrying around these totebags (in 1 of 4 colors).

We're super excited! And if you are going to the conference and are wondering what to wear or how to put your look together, jump over to my other blog Frankie Writes for some fashion advice!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous!!! I had planned on going and changed my mind. I'm planning on going to the one in July instead. Best of luck to all you. Can't wait to read all about it!

  2. That's so exciting! How long are you guys planning to be in New York?

    cute bags! :)

  3. Oh how fun!!! You guys have a blast and I can't wait to hear all about it! New York! How fantastic!

  4. I wish I could go (green with envy) Have fun! Can't wait to hear about your experience!

  5. Carolina, Oooh do you mean LA? We want to go to that one sooooo bad.

    Pirate Penguin, we'll be there the whole weekend, glad you like the bags!

    Jen, Thank you!

    Kirthi, Awww, we tell you everything!

  6. Frankie, yes LA!! I hope you go! OMG, just to see a familiar face. My CPs might go, too. How cool would it be to meet up? *crossing fingers*

  7. Carolina, we will definitely hang out if I go! I really really really want to!!!

  8. OH MAN, so jealous! I SO wish we were going to be there! Have fun! Can't wait to hear everything!

  9. Those bags are SUCH a fun idea :-) I can't wait to hear all about the conference! I'm going in July...

  10. LiLa, we wish you were going too!!!

    Sara, AAAh LA! We wants to go sooooo bad!


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