
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In which I envision Michael Cera on the cover of Ophelia.

They have to be related. Seriously.

PS - I borrowed OPHELIA from the local library near my new home, which I checked out for the first time around Christmas. I want to take this moment to thank the amazing buyer for this library because the YA section is actually a giant section and looks more like a Barnes and Noble of current releases and less like one paltry shelf of outdated books. I am giddy. Do you have an awesome local library? Share the love!


  1. LOL hahahah they DO look related. hahahahaha

    I haven't been to my library in ages... I need to get back to it!!

  2. HAHA! Seriously, every time I see that cover, I think the same thing! And my library system is super awesome, too. I swear they have like every book.

  3. Libraries are still open? xD

    Well you are so right! They have to be related!

  4. Oh my gosh, it does look like Michael Cera. Maybe a lost fraternal twin.

    I just came from the library today with like 11 books. That particular library has a whole floor dedicated to YA. My library at home only has a small section in the corner. This library also has other city libraries that it's connected with so if this one branch doesn't have chances are a few other branches do.

  5. It's uncanny!

    My library doesn't have a very big YA section, so Amazon has become my new library.

  6. I have two different libraries here, each with a bunch of different branches. One of them doesn't charge me to request books, so I've gone nuts requesting all the books I'd ever want to read. The other is bigger, which means if that one doesn't have it, chances are it will =)

  7. Actually, I think my hometown has the worst library ever. I usually drive out to the next town or even an hour away, where there is a place where the library is like heaven. It's three stories. But mine? Nope. Nada. Outdated books, and not even good ones, for the most part. Very sad.

    PS, omg! I totally see the similarity! Now, every time I see the cover of that book, I will think of him!

  8. Oh wierd haha! Also Ophelia is a GREAT book! I read it years ago and loved it! I just got her new book Lady Macbeth's daughter but havent read it yet.

  9. My library has a whole teen room full of books! Almost every branch has a great teen room (though it is a little embarrassing for my 25-year-old self to walk in there with all the teens on the computers looking at me like I'm a grandma), and our interlibrary loan system is amazing - if they don't have it at one branch, it's almost certainly somewhere in the county.

    Also...definitely related. Creepy. Maybe Michael Cera did some modeling before he hit it big?

  10. ohman, they look totally scarily creepily alike!
    You got lucky with your local library - mine is TERRIBLE! Not just the YA section, but all of it.

  11. Hahaha they look so much alike! My library kind of suck in the YA section - so you're lucky!

  12. LMAO!! That is great.. They do look alike!! That is weird..

  13. This is hysterical! They do look alike! I haven't been to the library since my good old school days...let me know how the book is. I want to read it.

  14. I have such an amazing library with a huge and fantastic YA section! I feel spoiled there.

  15. Sorry for the delay on the response, everyone!

    Audrey, Karen, Mariana, Frankie, Rhiannon, Barnsdale, Trishalynn - I love that I'm not the only one who thinks they look the same. I posted this believing there was an 85% chance you guys would think I'm crazy.

    Najela, Nickles, Heather, Jessica - Yayyyy library love! Hearing about FLOORS and ROOMS of YA is AMAZING! Where do you live, and can I come visit?

    Sara, Taschima, Kelly - I rediscovered libraries about 2 years ago and haven't looked back. (Ok, I still buy a lot of books. But less than before!) My wallet's much happier!

    Mariah, Vicky, Brizmus, YA Vampire Books - At my old house, the closest library to me was awful -- BUT they let you do inter-library loan, so I still managed to get some good ones.

    Lily - I totally have to keep myself from walking out with the maximum allowed number of books every time.

    One last great thing about libraries -- because the books are free, I'm much more adventurous in my choices, and I find a lot of amazing books that I never would've paid for!

  16. Okay, I have to admit that when I saw you on my blog roll that I thought you had photoshopped this. Then, I actually came over here and was like, "Wha...?" Yeah, that's totally friggin' scary.


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