
Saturday, January 30, 2010

SCBWI NYC: Networking on Night One!

We arrived in NYC for the SCBWI 2010 Winter Conference at around 8pm Friday night and headed to KidLit Night at the Wheeltapper Pub to chat with agents, editors, and writers. And oh how we did!

First we chatted with ...
Miriam Kriss, Agent at Irene Goodman Literary Agency
She represents Rachel Vincent (WERECATS and SOUL SCREAMERS series) and Lili St. Crow (STRANGE ANGELS series)! Miriam was so nice, and we loved meeting her!

Then I saw ...
Pamela Gruber, Editorial Assistant at Little, Brown
I had met her at the Rutgers One-on-One Conference, and she remembered me! Pam works with picture books, but she has begun acquiring YA. Pam's pretty much the coolest ever, but she grew up in the Philadelphia area, so that shouldn't come as a surprise!

Then Pam brought over ...
Kate Sullivan, Editor at Little, Brown
She's the editor of Malinda Lo (ASH), Zoey Dean (THE A-LIST), and plenty of other awesome authors! Oh, and besides her excellent sense of humor, she has great taste in clothes. (She wore a fantastic red dress.)

Then Kate flagged down ...
Alvina Ling, Senior Editor at Little, Brown
She's the editor of Grace Lin (Newbery Honor winner, WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON) and many, many other fabulous authors. Alvina's totally down-to-earth and super friendly.

Anyway, we had a fabulous time, and thanks to everyone for hanging out with us!

Stay tuned for more amazing SCBWI NYC posts --- including our very first VLOG and a great contest!


  1. I thought I read something about Nathan Bransford saying that conference was in Texas...

    Anyway, I wish I got to go, and hope you all enjoy yourselves.

  2. How exciting! I'll be going to SCBWI Bologna and am frantically whipping my PB manuscripts into shape.

  3. So dish... who got silly on tequila shots and danced on the tables? Seriously, that's all I want to know...

  4. Dani, Anissa, & Jon Paul - Yes, we had so much fun!

    Ryan - You might have been hearing about a regional conference. The one in NYC was a national conference. (The summer one's in LA.)

    Lenore - Ohhh have fun! And good luck!

    Simon - So I added in a few more details for you, but no table dancing, sorry! We were quite tame. ... But our upcoming vlog will give you plenty to laugh at!

  5. I'm so excited to read where the mountain meets the moon

    By the way, I want this post to count towards the Libba Bray contest


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