
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Because We're More Than Just Writers

We're teachers, newspaper-office managers, nannies, librarians, belly dancers, knitters, travelers, musicians, house-hunters, apartment-dwellers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, step-daughters, aunts, wives, fiances, friends...

No, we're not each of us each of those things, but we each wear a lot of hats and have a lot of interests.

I'm lucky enough to be one of the teachers in our group. What's one of the best things about teaching? Yes, I do love my students, but I also love SPRING BREAK!!!

So, during Spring Break last week, I enjoyed some of my non-writing interests and gave a tour of NYC to two former students of mine from Okinawa. (They were also on Spring Break, and they flew up from Texas to check out the city.) How wonderful it was to see them again.

I also continued my sewing lessons with my mom and made curtains for our apartment. Now my completed projects include a tank-top, an apron, and three curtains. So fun! And useful! I have three more windows I'd like to make curtains for. I hope I don't wait til next Spring Break to do it.

Now, it's back to work this week--to teaching and to writing, and it feels good.

So...what are some of your different selves? OR, if you were to take a week long hiatus from working and/or writing, what would you do with it?


  1. Ah, spring break. When I was teaching I practically salivated around the month before it came!

    If I could do whatever I wanted for a week? You could find me in the tropics, baby! Drink with an umbrella in hand, tanning oil and not a care in the world. Oh, and LOTS of books =)

  2. Spring Break! Isn't it wonderful? And I'm pretty random, I'm a student, a video gamer, an adventurer, a reader (obviously), a chocolate connoiseur, a dancer, and a make-up artist. Nothing professional, of course. :D

  3. A week to myself would involve rock climbing, sleeping, travelling to Europe, a little more rock climbing.

    And then I'd sleep some more.

  4. Spring break!?!? SO jealous. My Spring Break actually means more work for me because the kids are home all day...

    As for what I'd do with an entire week away from writing/blogging/etc??, watch movies and of course lots of trashy TV. Oh, and a beach and lots of sun and some fruity umbrella drinks.


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