
Monday, April 5, 2010

Blogiversary! (Whew, almost missed it.)

Today the FNC turns ONE! 

And this is how happy we are:

We've come a long way since our cringe-worthy first post ...

... and we're so excited to have had such an amazing first year, thanks to you, our readers! There are almost 500 (!) of you on Blogger alone, which is INCREDIBLE.

This coming weekend we're all attending the same SCBWI retreat that inspired this blog's creation last year, only this time we're live blogging it and sitting on the blogging panel! More to come on that later this week.

Anyway, after one year of character and plot studies, author stalking, Vampire Diaries parody recaps, guest posts, co-reviews, conference and book signing recaps, and other random writing goodness... we can't wait to see what year two brings!

(Well, year two may just bring an epic Thank You giveaway, but you'll have to wait and see about that...)


  1. Wohoo! Congrats! =D

  2. wow congrats guys!! you're awesome -- your blog is now EPIC!!



  3. Y'know how your 1-year anniversary should be celebrated? With an epic, Center City par-tay with other writers from the Philly area. Just a thought.

    Can't for the life of me think who else lives in the Philly area, but maybe you guys know someone...

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Love the pic.

  5. Congrats on one year! You ladies are are a wonderful addition to the blogosphere.

  6. Congrats on such a great blog! :)

  7. Congrats! I love your blog!!

  8. Thanks everyone! The love is much appreciated. This has been a crazy and unexpected year in many ways, and we're so happy you came along for the ride!

  9. Congrats! I've been enjoying your blog. Looking forward to year two :-)

  10. Happy one year aniversary, FNC! I'm so glad that this site is around the blogosphere--it's one of my favorite places to visit :)


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