
Thursday, June 24, 2010

A reader new to YA needs your recommendations!

Ms. First Line asked, "Can anyone recommend some YA paranormal books that are very suspenseful and comedic? I'm a little new to this genre."

Basically, we're looking for a Buffy-esque book with that excellent mixture of wit and the paranormal. Hmmm... off the top of my head, I'm thinking...

- Meg Cabot, with her Mediator series.
- I've heard that Stacey Jay's zombie books are funny, but I haven't read them yet.
- Michelle Rowen's Demon Princess series has a sassy tone, too.

... And I KNOW it's an adult book, but I can't NOT mention the delightfully entertaining Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger.

Alright, Honorary FNC-ers, help me out! 
Please leave your suggestions (and agreements/disagreements with my offerings) in the comments!

* Do you have a question -- silly or serious -- for the FNC? Email us about anything! firstnovelsclub [at] gmail [dot] com


  1. I agree about Stacey Jay's and Michelle Rowen's series, they are fun and exciting :)

    Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready and Deception by Lee Nichols are also great, they're both the first in a series.

  2. How about Devilish by Maureen Johnson?

  3. Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires. Funny, full of horror, very Buffy-ish. I'd recommend to anyone. :)

  4. Oooh, I second Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce is also great.

  5. Hmmm...Morganville Vampires is a good one. I'd also have to throw in the Mortal Instruments series by by Cassandra Clare. They're demon hunters instead of vampire hunters, but they've got some great one-liners!

  6. I liked Carrie Jones' Need series. Need and Captivate are both out, but there are going to be four in the series total.

  7. Thanks for your great suggestions, guys! I've added some to my TBR now, too. Keep them coming!

  8. This is great! Thanks so much for the recommendations!

  9. I'm late to the party, but I would definitely say Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. It's exactly what Ms. First Line described - paranormal, suspenseful, and the MC is extremely sassy and sarcastic!

  10. Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog


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