
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summer a la Donna: In pictures! With sassy captions!

Since May, when I bought my house with Future Husband, my life has largely revolved around going here:
Ahh, home improvement stores. Glamorous, huh?

I've been constantly doing this:
No, not counting money. Spending it in huge chunks.

In order to do spend hours doing awesome things like this:
Removing 1,000 square feet of 2 layers of hideous wallpaper, backing, and glue.

And eventually, this:
^ That smile is a LIE. ^
Give it another 200 square feet of walls and her pretty fuschia tank top will be spotted with paint and she will CRY.

And also this:
Bet no one told her there was poison ivy in the yard. No one told me, either.

And this:
I also peeled crusty yellowed contact paper from each and every shelf in the house.

And sometimes... I felt like doing this:
Especially when the carpet installers scuffed and dirtied my beautiful, just-painted walls.

But once all that was done, we got these:
(That's my actual sofa and accent chair.)

And these:
(My actual bedroom set.)

And then we did this:
(Not that the boxes are unpacked or anything...)

And suddenly, I had me one of these:

Time to relax? Nahhh.*
Time to continue wedding planning!

The (actual) bridesmaid dresses:
(In a gorgeous indigo, with peach as my primary color.)

And the wedding dress:
(Not mine, just in case Future Husband reads this post. Mine's much prettier. I picked this one for the model's expression.)
"Is that a feather coming out the back of my head? I'm feeling Botoxed."

To relax, I've been Netflixing TV shows like...
(Both HIGHLY recommended! Warning: Addiction likely.)

But with all that I've been doing since May, you know what I haven't been doing much of?
And it's time to get back to that.

* Ok, I did go to the beach ONCE to decrease the pasty of my skin (you could nearly see through me).

So how have you been spending your summer? Commiserate in the comments ... or let me live vicariously through your awesome adventures.

Legal stuff squeezed wayyyyy at the bottom: Where'd I get all those pictures? Click on them to see!


  1. Congrats! It will all be worth it! My husband and I moved into our first house one year ago (almost exactly) and it was pretty much the same thing. We are STILL not fully unpacked.

    We also got married after we bought the house. I have to say...buying a house and getting it ready was A LOT more stressful than getting married.

  2. Ahh I'm so jealous-- I'm sure your house is totally beautiful. And way to tease us about your wedding dress, I want to see the REAL thing!! :)


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