
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The FNC roadtrips to Virginia to see Maggie Stiefvater -- and tweets about it!

Very awesome things are happening this week, dear readers. Very awesome indeed.

1 - The FNC is now on Twitter!
We've had individual accounts, but now we'll also be tweeting together from @FirstNovelsClub, giving you up-to-the-minute dish on our adventures in author stalking and conferencing and reading and even fun stuff from our critique meetings.

2 - This Thursday night, Frankie, Sara, and I are roadtripping 6 hours to author-stalk see Maggie Stiefvater in Williamsburg, VA on Friday!
We figured it would be a fun way to spend a day off. It's our most ambitious FNC roadtrip yet, and Maggie's totally worth it. Her books are gorgeously addictive, and she's also funny and down-to-earth in person. Plus, she's Frankie's Agent Buddy! Yayyy!

These awesome things make for excellent mathematics:

Twitter + Roadtrip = Roadtrip Tweets!
So starting on Thursday night at approximately 8pm EST, check out the FNC Twitter feed for our adventures roadtripping. And we want you to feel like you're roadtripping with us, so when we're in Colonial Williamsburg on Friday afternoon, I'm imagining some choose-your-own-adventure type fun where you get to decide what we do -- like, dance with an 18th-century instructor or take part in a witch trial. And of course, you can tweet questions you want us to ask Maggie on Friday night!

Also --- we want to follow you on Twitter! Leave your Twitter handle in the comments, or just become an @FirstNovelsClub follower and we'll follow you.

Lastly, anyone attending the Williamsburg, VA signing? Let's hang out!


  1. Love Williamsburg and Love Maggie Stiefvater! Sounds like an awesome combo :)

  2. That is SO awesome you'll get to me her. Have fun and come back and do a post about it. I'd so love to meet her.


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