
Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Personal Announcement and An Invitation

I've been rather quiet around here lately. Summer has a way of making me lose track of things.

This year, I had great ambitions of all I would accomplish: make curtains for the three windows still naked in my little apartment, knit a lot, finish writing the first draft my novel, read through my to-be-read list for 2010, bake like a maniac, spend lazy afternoons with my sister, her new baby, and my mother, post on this blog at least weekly.

As the summer wraps up and I reflect, I can say I baked a bit, read a bit, got 2/3 through the writing of first draft of my novel, knit a little, spent some nice days with my sister, mother, and that sweet baby, taught a night class, led a conversation group for non-native English speakers. I didn't get to everything, and I added things I hadn't initially plan for, and, you know what, it's been a wonderful summer.

I'm writing today to let you know I will probably be pretty quiet around here for a bit longer. My husband and I are leaving this afternoon for a six week trip across Australia. He, being a concert pianist, is going on a concert tour, and I'm going to be his roadie. It's a really unique opportunity to see Graeme's homeland, and I'm excited. He'll be touring with concert percussionist Nick Parnell. Did you know there were such things as concert percussionists? I didn't either, until a few years ago. It's pretty cool stuff. If you're curious, check Nick out on YouTube. There are one or two clips on there. Please note, the pianist in those clips is not my husband.

Anyway, enough about the music.

I invite you to join us for the trip by following us on my new blog: While I won't be around the FNC much over the next month or so--though I do have a couple posts in our draft queue that I may get to--I will be posting at J&H about all the wonders and delights of Oz as often as my internet access allows me to, hopefully every day, and I would be delighted to see you there. Either way, have a great September and October, and I'll see you around here again in six weeks.

Happy Trails!


  1. sounds like a lot of fun! :D enjoy!

  2. Enjoy! I was an exchange student in Adelaide in 1989. Australia is truly my second home.

    I hope this is a really special time for the two of you.

  3. Thank you both! We're thrilled.

    And what a small world--Adelaide is Graeme's hometown. Were you at Adelaide Uni or UniSA or Flinders or somewhere else? Isn't it the most lovely city! We'll be there for the first 9 days, then we'll be heading out on the road.

  4. I just thought I should point out that it's freezing down here, so you should probably bring a coat. Or two.

    I hope you enjoy your trip and look forward to reading about it.


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