
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Comfort food, meet comfort book. What's yours?

We all have our favorite comfort food -- the one item in the fridge or pantry that we beeline toward whenever we feel sick/sad/bored. Or like, if it's a particularly long Wednesday. 

I realized yesterday that the only thing that makes comfort food better (besides eating it in my PJs), is eating it while reading a comfort book.

My official comfort book is The China Garden by Liz Berry. My copy is yellow and soft with use, and I disappear into its world every time I need to escape. The Roswell High series is my favorite comfort series (to be used during an especially lingering illness). And there's one author I can always, always count on to make me feel better -- Meg Cabot.

I picked up an audiobook of hers this week -- How to be Popular, which I'd never read before -- and within the first five minutes of driving and listening, a silly little contentment filled me. I love Meg's voice. No matter the book, it shines through. She is hands-down my comfort author.

Actually, now that I think of it, I have a whole arsenal of comfort favorites. My next crappy day, you can find me snuggled on the couch in my PJs, eating a meatball parm sandwich (made by my Italian grandmom), and reading a Meg Cabot book -- with Beauty and the Beast on mute on the TV and Coldplay playing in the background, of course.

I feel better already.

What's in your comfort arsenal?


  1. Pretty much any book can make me feel better. If Im feeling sad I pick up a book and it makes me feel better, same goes for T.V. Shows.

    As for food, I change every month. Right now I'm going with Grandma cookies...

  2. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith is my ultimate comfort book. Food? Nothing beats a box of Cheez-Its. And comfort TV= Arrested Development, hands down.

  3. i feel i can't go wrong with some classic Harry Potter. never gets old, always makes me just a bit happier :) though i also love rereading my Melina Marchetta books.
    for TV, Big Bang Theory for sure! I laugh on like the 10th rerun still :P

  4. Harry Potter. Sometimes I like to read something familiar. And it's like visiting old friends.

  5. My comfort food is definitely Goldfish. Or Tasty Kakes--those are pretty awesome, too. And when I'm REALLY sick, like fever-and-the-flu sick, nothing reminds me of being 4 years old and being taken of by my mom than McDonalds.

    As for comfort books, at the top of my list is Harry Potter, The Giver, and Roald Dahl's Matilda.

    As for comfort shows? Anything on TLC, and Saved By The Bell.

  6. Here's another vote for I Capture The Castle. With a side of mac and cheese. And a glass of OJ for an all-orange meal. As for TV, I pick old episodes of Spiderman And His Amazing Friends on YouTube.

  7. Taschima, Julie, & Audrey - I responded to your comments via email!

    Sarah - Yes, Harry Potter is the same for me! But I get all sad when my favorite characters die, so sometimes I bypass them for less stressful books!

    Sara - I kinda hate all your comfort food! haha Which is good, because if we're both sad, we won't overlap! And you know how much I love The Giver!

    Ivanova - Mac and cheese -- EXCELLENT comfort food! For TV, I go to Friends or Buffy.

  8. Aww, Donna. Are you feeling sick, sad or bored? Sorry to hear it was a particularly long Wednesday. I had one of those days today, so it was a really long Thursday. Working late. Internet went out. Blah!

    What did I go for when I came home? Orange juice and tortilla chips. Weird combo, I know. And the book I'm currently reading is usually enough comfort for me.

    If I was ill, though, I'd go for tea and toast and another re-reading of The Secret Garden. Nothing makes me feel better or reminds me more of my childhood. I still have my copy with the Tasha Tudor illustrations.

    Hope you feel better.

  9. Joanne - No, I was just tired! hehe Thanks for the concern. But yes, I had a long Wednesday and Thursday. And oh, The Secret Garden -- no wonder you and Frankie became friends!!


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