
Friday, October 22, 2010

The return of the Mini-Reviews! 10 NEW pocket-sized recommendations.

Here's a quick list of books I've read or listened to on audiobook recently -- and why I recommend you try them out yourself!

Will Grayson, Will Grayson - David Levithan and John Green
- Heartfelt, frustrating, hilarious, and a little bit magical -- WGWG is such a worthy read. Plus, it's told via the rarely-used dual male POV.

Twisted - Laurie Halse Anderson
- Contemporary novel with infrequently-seen male narrator -- compelling, well-written, and oh-so-relevant. But what else do you expect from Laurie Halse Anderson?

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
- For my third go-round, I listened to the Hunger Games audiobook.
Audio Files - Quality narration that I definitely recommend for first-timers or repeat offenders.

Paranormalcy - Kiersten White
- I'll add to the chorus of "refreshing paranormal YA" -- with the bonus of Kiersten's engaging and funny voice, and a romance to really root for. *Co-review coming soon!

Fire - Kristin Cashore
- Companion to Graceling, with a first-rate heroine (be my BFF?) and addictive plot. Love, love, love this book.
Audio Files: One of the few audiobooks in which the narration enhances the novel. The British narrator is FANTASTIC.

Blue Fire - Janice Hardy
- Action-packed high fantasy for the non-fantasy reader. Compelling political storyline, plus a teen heroine you can't help but root for. *Click HERE for full review!

Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins
- Simply put, it's the contemporary novel you'll want to read over and over. Trust me. *Co-review coming soon!

The Dead-Tossed Waves - Carrie Ryan

- The world-building kept me coming back for more. Delves further into life after "the return," this time through the eyes of Gabry, the daughter of Mary (narrator of The Forest of Hands and Teeth).
Audio Files: Average narration. I may have enjoyed the book more reading vs. listening.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist - David Levithan and Rachel Cohn

- I'd seen the movie first (I know, I know), and the book stands separate but equally great. The movie stayed true overall to the characters and tone, but the book is much more internal. Well worth it!

I Now Pronounce You Someone Else - Erin McCahan
- A contemporary novel done well. Humorous with excellent characters and skillfully-crafted family issues. *Click HERE for full review!

(Previous mini-review posts: HERE and HERE!)

Anything here on your TBR? Agree/disagree with anything? Leave me some mini-reviews in the comments!


  1. Twisted is the first book of Anderson's that I read, and I loved it. I was hooked! :)

  2. Great list of books. I definitely want to read BLUE FIRE soon and a ton others. My list just keeps getting bigger. Right now I'm reading THE EXILED QUEEN by Cinda Williams Chima. It's great and I met her at a conference. She is so nice.

  3. I so hardcore HEART Fire and Kristin Cashore. And I'm dying to read Blue Fire!

    Natalie--I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Cinda Williams Chima! I'm going to the bookstore today to pick up her books.

  4. Jessi - You can't go wrong with LHA!

    Natalie - Check your email for my response!

    Sara - I know! For once, a book is as awesome as the cover!

  5. Fire and Dead Tossed Waves are on my TBR. Actually, so is Graceling, which I borrowed but didn't have time to read!

    I have Paranormalcy now. Haven't started yet, but am excited!

  6. Oooh, I really like these mini-reviews. Just the right length for my busy life. I've already read a few, but I'm adding the others to my list. Thanks!

  7. Krispy - I can't recommend Fire enough! I enjoyed Graceling, but loved Fire even more! Have fun with Para!

    Katie - Thanks - they're just the right size for me, too! They started because I didn't have time to write full reviews for all the great books I read!

  8. I really need to read Graceling and Fire. I've heard such great things about both of them, but I have yet to pick them up.

    I am proud to say that I've read nearly all the other books though. Go me!

  9. Nikki - Yes, they're both worth the read, but especially FIRE! Congrats on having read so many! I'm constantly trying to keep up with my TBR list.


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