
Thursday, February 24, 2011

For L.K. Madigan

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of author L.K. Madigan, who passed away yesterday from pancreatic cancer.

Today, the blogosphere is filled with posts remembering and celebrating her. The outpouring of support and love from the writing community and the words people have written about Lisa are beautiful.

Here are some posts honoring Lisa, and please share yours or others' in the comments.

Jennifer Laughran
Courtney Scheinmel
The Book Pixie
Sarah MacLean
Malinda Lo
Mundie Moms
Shelli Johannes
Sara Zarr
Kristen Kittscher

I'd like to leave you with Lisa's heartbreaking final blog post from January, in which she announced her diagnosis. Her grace and strength are astounding.

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your words with us.


  1. I didn't know much about Lisa but from all the things I've read, she was quite a woman. Thank you for the links. My heart goes out to her family and friends.
    My Blog

  2. Thanks for posting about Lisa. This was such a heartbreak to the community--she's given so much to so many and will be greatly missed.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  3. I never had the honor of meeting Lisa, but had the joy of reading both of her books when they first pubbed. The world of children's and YA lit has lost too many wonderful authors lately, with Brian Jacques and Perry Moore also passing.

    Thanks for such a thoughtful post, Donna.


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