
Monday, February 14, 2011

Kimberly Derting Interview and Giveaway!!!!

Guess what! The wonderfully fabulous Kimberly Derting author of THE BODY FINDER and DESIRES OF THE DEAD (which releases Feb 15, 2011) stopped by for an interview with us--SQUEE! 

And I'm so excited to not only share her answers, but also announce a contest below for an arc of Desires of the Dead!!!
      If you could pick a theme song for The Body Finder, what would it be?

Possum Kingdom by The Toadies.  It’s really the theme song for the serial killer scenes, but I think it sets a creepy backdrop for the entire book.

 What would the theme song for Desires of the Dead be?

Breathing by Lifehouse.  There are parts of it that fit the love story, but parts that veer into almost stalkery (that’s a word, right?) territory, which reminds me of the “bad guy” in Desires.

Oh I love that song! Ok, can't resist because I'm such a huge fan of Violet and Jay--what would their theme song be? (I know, I have a current obsession with theme songs).

Everytime I hear Who’d Have Known by Lily Allen, I think of Violet and Jay.  It’s cute and playful, and shows how a couple goes from just-friends to something more. 

How was the publishing process for you the second time around? Less scary? More scary? We want to know!

Definitely more scary!  I think most authors, especially if it’s a series, worry about that second book.  I certainly did.  I felt a ton of pressure to have it live up to The Body Finder.

Well I can tell you, it did live up to The Body Finder:-) How many projects do you work on at once? Or do you tend to put all of your energy into just one project at a time?

I try to work on one at a time, so I can stay focused, but recently I’ve had to learn to “multi-task” switching back and forth between writing one book and revising another.  It’s a little disorienting sometimes, especially since one book is in third person and the other is in first.  Sometimes, I forget which POV I’m working in.

 Can you describe your daily process? PJs? Clothes? Snacks? Music? Scenery?

HA!  Are you sure you want to know???  Seriously, it’s not pretty.  Sweat pants, ridiculous amounts of tea, a lot of procrastinating (thank you, Twitter!), and things like popcorn-for-lunch.  Showers are optional.

I don’t listen to music while I’m writing (I wish I could, it seems so cool!), but I will stop to listen when I get stuck.  There’s something about a good playlist that brings you right back where you need to be!

What do you hope readers will take away from Desires of the Dead?

I hope they’ll appreciate Violet’s struggle to make this tough decision.  And want more, of course!

 Can you tell us ANYTHING about what we can expect to read from you after Desires of the Dead? 

*looks around shiftily*  I wish I could, I really do!  The publishing world is crazy-secretive and all I can say is this: when I’m allowed to share news (which will hopefully be soon!), I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops!  Until then, stay tuned…

UPDATE! Kim just revealed all the big news about what else we can expect on her blog today so go check it out and congratulate her after you enter the contest!

Thanks, Kim!

Ok! Hope you enjoyed! The exciting news is that Desires of the Dead comes out in hardcover tomorrow. But we happen to have an arc that is up for grabs. And in case you missed it, check out the amazing book trailer.

Trust me, you want to win this ARC! So just fill out the info below and don't forget to leave a comment on this post!


  1. Awesome interview! I love that she said that writing the second book was more scary than the first...i feel that a lot of authors (at least the bigger ones out there) think that with one book published the rest is like a free ride to publishville.

  2. I love Possum Kingdom by The Toadies! My bff in college and I were so into it that we drove all the way to Dallas to attend a Toadies concert. Good times!

  3. I can't wait to read the Desires of the Dead!!

  4. I am a total tea addict! It's good to know we are not alone!

  5. Kim always gives awesome interviews And I love the trailer for DoD. I think it's probably my fav ever. Thanks for the interview!

  6. Great interview! I really liked The Body Finder so I can't wait to read Desires of the Dead. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Love Dertings books can't wait for this one

  8. i really enjoyed the interview, and I loved the first book!!!

  9. This series sounds right up my alley; adding The Body Finder to my reading list. Congrats to the author on more books :)

  10. Great interview! I can't wait to read Desires of the Dead!

  11. I love this series...I can't wait to hear your shouts from the rooftops! I want to know where this series is going!

  12. Great interview. I loved The Body Finder and can't wait to read this new book.

    And Kimberly's secret project sounds awesome!

  13. great interview. i cant wait to read this book


  14. I really enjoyed THE BODY FINDER, and this book sounds awesome, too! I think it's interesting that authors freak out about the second book in a series. I'm still freaking out about getting my first book published, so I'd like to have that problem. :) Kimberly sounds like a super cool person. Can't wait to read her book!!

  15. I think switching between POV's when writing would be really confusing. I know I stop and think about it when I'm reading sometimes.
    Thanks for the interview!

  16. terrific interview - would love to read the book

  17. I can't wait to read the Desires of the Dead :) Great interview !

  18. great Interview. I'm really looking forward to Desires of the Dead

  19. Great interview. Thanks for taking the time to do this and share it with us.

  20. Awesome interview. I love your theme song choices!

  21. What a great interview I can't wait to read this book! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

  22. I enjoyed reading your interview
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  23. Great Interview. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for the chance to win it :D


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