
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A CRACKED Book Adventure!

Epic News Today! Our good friend, K.M Walton's debut novel CRACKED is in stores today! And it is awesome! So awesome in fact that last night, Donna and I ran into CRACKED at the bookstore and what follows is a short adventure.

Once Upon a Time, in a Barnes and Noble not too far away....
Donna and I were sneaking up on CRACKED! We wanted to surprise him.

Oh no! CRACKED spotted Donna! Busted!
But it was okay because CRACKED and its twin brother CRACKED were so happy to see her!
So then CRACKED was like, "Frankie! Donna! Calm down! I'm going to meet EVERYBODY SEES THE ANTS in the cafe for some coffee and have a chat."
After coffee, CRACKED decided to go chill with his favorite local books.
Then CRACKED decided to go read some magazines and catch up on current events since he'd been living in his
shipping box for awhile.
But I had to stop that, so I could read CRACKED myself.
Donna read CRACKED too.
And after much chagrin, CRACKED agreed to let Edward look in his pages.
And Jacob...
CRACKED  went over to the Nook and had one question for him. "How on earth do I fit in there?" Nook would not reply.
CRACKED tried to hang out with some bananagrams. But they were making him hungry.
And after all that excitement, CRACKED lounged on a couch for a bit.
His coffee caught up with him and he raced to the bathroom.
But there was one little problem...No Merchandise allowed inside. Luckily in that moment CRACKED remembered he was a book and he didn't have bodily functions.
Instead, CRACKED read a bedtime story.
And went to sleep.
The End!

HAPPY RELEASE DAY to CRACKED and K.M. WALTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you're in the eastern PA area this Saturday at 7pm, be sure to come hang out with us (and our fave indie bookseller friend, Joanne!) at the official CRACKED release party at Chester County Books and Music in West Chester, PA.


  1. EEEE!!!!!! First, I am so very excited for Kate (and had to blog about this FANTASTIC book too)! Second, you guys, I loved this and since I've met you in person, I know you guys are just cute enough to pull all of this off. Third, wish I lived closer to you guys so I can attend the book signing this weekend. *pouts* xoxoxo

  2. Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy, I recognize that endcap and that bathroom table. Were you guys at Neshaminy??? And you didn't stop at the nook counter to say hi to me? *cries*

  3. This is hilarious! I love it. Love, love, love, love it. Thank you for letting CRACKED have such awesome experiences.

  4. (*Still laughing and snorting*) I commented over on your blog, Frankie, before I realized it was here too! YAY for Kate!

    You two should make a career out of capturing books in the wild.

    So. Much. Fun.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That is funny stuff! What an adventure CRACKED has had. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy/meet the author at the book launch on Saturday Jan 7th :)

  7. You guys are adorable and hilarious! I like the documentary feel of this post. LOL.

  8. @meghanbp - We'll see you there!

    Everyone else, thanks for commenting, and your response is via email or twitter!

  9. hahaha, omg you guys are too cute. I think I might have to follow in your footsteps on my book release day and treat it like a flat stanley. I work in a theme park, and already have some shenanigan-y ideas!

    Thanks for sharing, and congrats to K.M.!!!



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