
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Janine's BIG NEWS!!!

It's snowing.

But that's not the news I want to tell you of today.

It's just what's setting a lovely, cozy scene as I sit at my kitchen table, coffee in hand, prepping to tell you this news.

The flakes are getting bigger, and I wonder if it will end soon. Sometimes big flakes mean that.

So, the news... I'm thrilled to announce this, but, as you can see, I can't figure out the right lead in, so I'm just gonna shout it at you:

I HAVE AN AGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart just did that weird flip-flop thing it was doing all day yesterday.

Anyway, that's right. Yesterday morning, at right about this same time, I signed an agreement with an agent--with my agent.

I can't begin to tell you how excited--even giddy--I have been the last couple days. I expect this marks the beginning of a wonderful working relationship as well as the continuation of what has been to this point a fabulous journey, even with all its ups and downs.

I am thorougly pleased to now be working with:

Erzsi Deak
HEN & Ink Literary Studio

This step has been a long time in coming, and it couldn't have happened without the support of fellow FNCers Frankie, Donna, and Sara whom I cannot thank enough for their encouragement, support, kicks-in-the-pants, and friendship. Ladies, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It seems the snow has stopped for now, but the work is only just beginning--the revision work of course, not the shoveling--so I'm going to sign off.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are!

PS: (i have an agent!) Oh, forget the parenthesis. I have an agent!

PPS: Can you tell I'm excited? I hope so. Thanks for reading!

PPPS: Have I mentioned that we keep chickens? Not at our condo, of course, but 5 minutes down the road at my mother's, we keep seven hens. They lay beautiful eggs for us. Can you believe it?--It's Hen&ink, and we keep chickens! Could this be any more perfect?!?!


  1. WOOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still so excited!

  2. WhooooHOOOOO!!!! That's SO exciting!! Man, you've been waiting for that for awhile! It's so awesome to see it happening!!!! *confetti*

    Frankie (the other Frankie) LOL!

  3. CONGRATS JANINE! I'm so excited and proud -- I've been telling everyone that my critique partner has an agent! hehe

  4. Congratulations!!! Such awesome news. Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

  5. Hey, more power to yiu girl!

    Cherry Mischievous

  6. What wonderful news!! All the best to you.

  7. YAY, Janine! Woo hoo! So happy for you. Love the Hen connection.

  8. Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!

  9. Wow! Thanks, everyone, for sharing in this with me. I'm very excited!

  10. Congratulations!

    And the chicken tie-in is just perfect!

  11. Congratulations, Janine! Welcome to the family!


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