
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kid Lit Drink Night!! SCBWI Winter NYC!!

What are all of you doing this weekend?

If you live near anywhere near New York City (and you're 21 or over), you should definitely be going to this:

(Image used from the official Kid Lit announcement, found here.)
Kid Lit Drink Night: SCBWI Edition!

When: Friday, January 27th, 8pm.

Where: Public House ( on East 41st Street between Lexington and Third Avenue.

Who: All the cool people! Seriously, this is the one night only hot spot for editors, agents, authors, SCBWI-goers, and generally interesting book people.

Plus, the FNC will be there! We'll make sure we have on super-cool name tags. And maybe we'll break out our FNC tote bags for the occasion.

Here's a recap of our Kid Lit experience two years ago. And the year before that, before this blog even existed, Frankie and I went with the sole intent of stalking Cheryl Klein. And we did. For twenty minutes. Until we realized that we were actually stalking a random blonde woman who was NOT Cheryl Klein, or even involved in the book world in any way. (We did, however, eventually find Cheryl and had a great conversation with her.)

And then, if you're around, you might just be going to SCBWI New York this weekend. I am! I'll be there on the front lines representing the FNC this year, listening to some awesome authors like Cassandra Clare, plus tons of super-cool editors and agents.

So, anyone else venturing to NYC this weekend?


  1. Not sure if I can make the Kid Lit Drink Night (supposed to meet up with my friend/host around then) but I am SO psyched for SCBWI. It's my very first!

  2. There's something really amusing about a bunch of children's and YA authors/agents all getting sloshed together. There's a story in that, just waiting to be written!

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!



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