
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Take four writers and plop them in rural Pennsylvania (surrounded by farmland and goats and stuff) for a weekend, and what do you get?

A writing retreat! 


This weekend, the FNC is leaving the city to have a super-productive 48 hours of writing and critiquing. This little escape is in honor of the 3-year anniversary of our first group writing getaway in April 2009, at the SCBWI-EPA Pocono Retreat.
The idyllic view from our retreat-house.
Of course, all our emails about the weekend thus far have covered the essentials: the food we're bringing and how excited we are that this place has a hot tub.

But seriously, we're going to write ALL the words!

 (Probably in this living room.)

And I desperately need to write, because my life has been this ridiculously busy mishmash of...

-  boring everyday things that manage to eat up so much time (dishes, why do you keep getting dirty?), plus
-  9-hour workdays, plus
-  consecutive birthday celebrations (yay birthdays!), plus
-  starting Crossfit classes (why do I hate myself again?), plus
-  MoH duties for my sister (hi, Janet!), plus
-  a newfound addiction to Dexter (the next episode is RIGHT THERE, I can't say no)

... and somehow, writing has taken a backseat. And I'm really frustrated with myself for allowing this to happen, because I love my novel and I miss my characters and I need to get back into the habit of writing regularly, no excuses. This weekend will be the beginning of that.

Oh, and we'll have wifi, so keep an eye on the blog and our Twitter accounts for updates on our hijinks and word counts.

Anyway, here's to hoping that you guys have a productive (and fun) writing weekend also!

* Want to plan your own affordable writing retreat? Check out our how-to post!


  1. I love Mt. Pocono! It's so beautiful there. It would be a wonderful place to get some great scenery writing done and relax and hot tub... Oh I envy you right now. Have a great time!!!

  2. So beautiful! This year, we'll be in Mt. Joy. We're looking for the perfect mix of relaxation and productivity. If you're writing too this weekend, tweet us with your status and we'll cheer you on!

  3. Have fun FNC! I've never been to Mt. Pocono, but the pics look fantastic. And this time of year?... Just remember, hot tub & writing, but no hot tub WHILE writing

    1. Thanks! We're relaxing tonight, because the hard work starts tomorrow!

  4. Have fun! And hope you're productive. I know what you mean about writing taking a back seat sometimes.

    1. Yep... it's a slippery slope! I'm excited to turn it around, though. Thanks!


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