
Monday, September 24, 2012

What's your day job?

Sometimes I feel like two different people — on one hand, I'm the office manager of a university student newspaper, a full-time job. But I've also been a blogger, writer, and YA fanatic for just as long as I've had that position — over four years.

Rarely do those two worlds intersect, except for when I leave work early to attend a book signing or conference, and when I write a blog post during my lunch (like I am now). Or when one of my college students says they're reading a YA novel, and I start babbling with excitement until I realize that they aren't really interested to hear my enthused recommendations for other YA titles they may enjoy.

Anyway, this whole thing came to mind because I had to write an email today and used the phrase "in my mailbox," which of course made me think of the In My Mailbox meme ... and then I realized that likely NO ONE at my work would get the reference.

Then I thought maybe, MAYBE someone would.

Maybe they're just like me, living these oddly disjointed lives. (And like Sara, I don't always mind the separation!)

So that got me wondering — Is the cashier at the supermarket secretly a blogger? Is the UPS delivery guy a huge John Green fan? Is one of my students an aspiring writer?

We need a secret handshake, or something. Or we all need to wear DFTBA tshirts.

So what's your day job? And do the people around you know you're a blogger/writer/YA fan? Leave it in the comments!


  1. Luckily I teach middle school, so my worlds frequently intersect!

  2. I know what you mean. I'm an attorney by day and rarely do the two worlds intersect. I only recently even told some of the people I work with about my blog though they do know I write.

    1. Attorney! That's awesome. I love how unexpected bloggers' day jobs can be.

  3. Social worker, writer, blogger, mom, volunteer - and everything intersects!

  4. You would not believe how many social workers I have as friends -- it's a great profession!

  5. My "day job" is high school senior. Only a few people are aware that I blog -- it isn't a secret, but I don't randomly volunteer that information.

    All of them are aware that I write, though.

    1. I'm always jealous when I meet writers and bloggers still in high school... it took me four more years to pursue writing seriously! Keep it up!

  6. Well, until very recently my day job as a Children's bookseller dovetailed neatly with my writing and blogging ambitions. But I have also worked in a library, a publishing company, a greeting card company and a thrift shop, among other jobs. And I'm a mom, of course. I like to imagine that everyone you meet has another life, a hidden life that means more to them than the paying job. And secretly we're all awesome.

    1. I concur with Janine (below) -- your awesomeness isn't a secret at all! It's amazing how nearly all of your jobs revolve around books. I'm so jealous!

  7. Joanne, your awesomeness is no secret!

    As for me, I'm an English professor. I teach college freshmen everything they need to know to succeed at college-level writing. If they don't take advantage of it, well, that's not my fault.


    1. Oh, Janine, this line - "If they don't take advantage of it, well, that's not my fault." - cracked me up.

  8. I'm an insurance underwriter and I love randomly coming across people I work with that even know what books I'm talking about. They're few and far between but I'll take it. I just started this new job and the atmosphere is far more laid back. I'm guessing I'll run into more like-minded people here than my last place of employment.

    1. Insurance underwriter and YA fan! I love it! I'm sure there's someone else at your company who thinks they're the only YA fan in the industry, too.


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