
Recommended Blogs

Remember when we promised we'd provide an epic list of blogs and blog resources from our blogging panel at SCBWI Poconos? it is! And this list IS crazy!

Because there are four of us, we follow a lot of blogs, and yet we can't possibly even come close to listing them all. (Check our profiles for the complete list.) Also, my brain could only handle a certain amount of linkage before it wanted to explode.

So this isn't at all a final list and if we didn't mention your own awesome blog, please please please pimp your blog in the comments section, or pimp a friend's blog who is awesome. So be sure to check the comments for more awesome. We love finding great blogs and just couldn't possibly list them all or anywhere near that, but here's a pretty awesome list for you.

Query Critiques/Advice

KT Literary ("About My Query" feature)

Query Shark

Miss Snark (archives)

Evil Editor

Agent Blogs
(super incomplete -- check out the last list in the post for sites with more linkage)

Dystel and Goderich

Suzie Townsend

Nathan Bransford

Kristin Nelson

Rachelle Gardner

Janet Reid

Mark McVeigh

Sara Crowe

Jill Corcoran

Elana Roth

Book Bloggers

The Story Siren

Bloody Bookaholic

Books By Their Cover

Bookworming in the 21st Century

Edge of Seventeen

Forever Young Adult

Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf

Mindful Musings

Persnickety Snark

Presenting Lenore

Reverie Book Reviews


Steph Su Reads

The Bookologist

The Compulsive Reader

The O.W.L. (middle grade reviews)

The Page Flipper

Tynga's Reviews

Aspiring/Debut Writers

Between Fact and Fiction

Kiersten Writes

Myra McEntire

Elana Johnson

Hey! Teenager of the Year

Lisa and Laura Write

Literary Rambles (fantastic agent spotlights!)


See Heather Write

Sarah With a Chance

The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler

The Insanity of Writerhood

The Secret Adventures of Writer Girl

Writing It Out

Writer Musings (has great advice)

Writing Advice

The Other Side of the Story

Market My Words

Help! I Need a Publisher

The Blood-Red Pencil

Lisa Gardner's Writers' Toolbox

Industry Knowledge/Anonymous Publishing Professionals


Guide to Literary Agents blog (has a long list of links in the left sidebar)

Alice's CWIM Blog

Editorial Anonymous

Editorial Ass

The Rejectionist

Pimp My Novel

Getting Past the Gatekeeper blog

Jacket Whys


Group Blogs

Blue Rose Girls

Books, Boys, Buzz

MTV Books

2010: A Book Odyssey


The Novel Girls

YA Highway

The YA 5

The Contemps

The Elevensies

Blogs with Helpful Lists of Other Blogs -- Agents, Editors, Authors, Book Bloggers, etc.

The YA Book Blog Directory

Kidlitosphere Central

Agent Query

I think we will periodically update this list to include more, but at the moment, temporary brain explosion!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Great resources!

  2. Thank you for the recommended blogs, they all have incredibly helpful information. since i am rlatively new at writing and blogging I can use all the advice these blogs offer.

  3. I would like to plug my blog

    I'm happy you ladies allow us to do so.

  4. Submission for the list via email:
    Word Weaves, by Susan Banghart

    The blog includes a monthly review of YA books, in addition to Susan's experiences as an SCBWI member and an aspiring YA writer (including being a winner in the 2010 Highlights Fiction contest).

  5. Thanks you so much for the AH-MAZING links! I really appreciate them!


  6. Lots of info to be found here. So glad I've found you.

    My blog is a about spotlighting authors (trads and Indies). Authors can spotlight their books, offer guest posts or be interviewed.

    Thanks very much.

  7. Well this is just the raddest blog list ever! Thanks for sharing!

  8. New URL for Susan Banghart's blog (Word Weaves)

    Susan Banghart is an artist and writer of YA novels, a 2010 winner of the Highlights fiction contest and was awarded Honorable Mention for best YA writing at Eckerd College’s 2013 Writers in Paradise Conference. In her blog she shares of YA her writer experiences and reviews YA books.


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Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.