
Monday, January 11, 2010

Why I Am Psychic (but Oblivious), Incredible Contest, and Challenge Update

Remember when I wrote on Friday about choosing your Author Name? I mentioned the questions that Unknown Future Husband's Last Name might throw into the equation. Little did I know, that very night I got engaged!

I have a Future Husband! (epic squeeing)

Anyway, I just found it hilariously coincidental that I posted that on the very day Future Husband proposed. I was completely surprised! (Hence, psychic but oblivious.)

Take that, Edward Cullen.

No, I haven't changed my mind about my Author Name ... but this fabulous development might affect my blog posting and commenting. In the next six months, I'm querying agents, buying a home with Future Husband, and beginning Wedding Plans. (Plus... ya know... my full-time job. And editing Frankie's novel. And reading a book every once in awhile.)

I have a feeling that the blogosphere will be my source of sanity, but I might be a little less present every once in awhile. Please be patient with me! (And hopefully some of my adventures will give me hilarious fodder for posts.)

As part of my novel perfecting efforts, I'm entering a query contest on the ever-fabulous

Did you know that Kidlit's Mary Kole (of the Andrew Brown Literary Agency) is offering at least FIVE critiques? And one lucky winner gets a FIFTEEN PAGE critique! Deadline is Sunday, January 31st at 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time, and you can go HERE to enter!

Last but not least, I realized that I never updated you on the status of Frankie's challenge. I actually FINISHED revising my novel by my challenge deadline (minor miracle there), so yay! Now I'm in the serious research part of the Query Wars.

And I suppose that's all! Life's a whirlwind right now, but it's all kind of amazing. What's been going on with you?


  1. Oh, my gosh! Congratulations on the engagement! That's huge!

    Congrats on finishing the revision on your novel, too! Also huge, but the engagement deserved top billing in my comment. ;)

  2. wowee! congrats! I'm a jeweler in my dayjob, and that looks like a lovely ring future hubby picked out for you:-)

    To answer a question from your last post, ann foxlee is my author name-- a combo of my middle name and 2 family names. That way no family members are miffed about me not using my actual family name (which is too boring for a fantasy author to use... simply too boring!)

    As far as your name, I'll have you know I clicked from a comment you made somewhere partially because I figured with a name that interesting, you and your writing would be interesting too. I say, keep Donna Gambale!

  3. Congrats, Donna! What a beautiful ring! I think for news this big I'll forgive six months of absence :) Good luck with query research!

  4. CONGRATS that's amazing - I am so excited for you!

  5. EEEEEEEEEEEK! You got an engagement! :) :) :) I'm so happy for you! I want to see pictures!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!


    I don't know you, but I love hearing about this sort of thing and I'm so excited for you! =)

  7. Aw, congrats! That's awesome! I don't blame you for taking a blogging break--wedding planning is a job and a half. But we'll miss you!

    Love the bling!

  8. Squee! That's so exciting! You have to promise to post all about it when it happens. I'm a sucker for weddings.


  9. wow, congrats, that is amazing. What a beautiful ring.

  10. Awww! Yay! Congratulations and that ring is gorgeous! :D


  11. Congratulations!! Engagement is such an exciting time. Have fun!

  12. Congrats! That's pretty amazing about being psychic. You should get a 1-800 number ;)! It's sounds like your going to have an eventful year.

  13. Congrats!! Enjoy the epic squeeing. Looks like you've got a busy year ahead...have fun!

  14. Thank you everyone!!!

    Dawn - Yes, I thought the revision was huge too, and then came the proposal!

    Ann - I love learning people's day jobs! And I like your author name choice. I'm so intrigued by how you found this blog!

    Heather and Shannon - Thank you! I'm so addicted to blogging, I doubt I'll be entirely absent... but just a little less present!

    Jenn, Kirthi, Rex, Mariah, Elie, Briana, Karen - This is why I love blogging: it's so much fun to share the excitement! Thanks!

    Nickles - You know, if the 1-800 thing pans out, I could afford a really nice honeymoon!

    Jade - Busy doesn't even begin to describe it! But it's the best kind of busy.

  15. What a wonderful thing. The ring is GORGEOUS!!

  16. Congratulations! Beautiful ring. :)

  17. Congratulations! That is so exciting! My Dad always says that if you want to get something done, give it to a busy person. Sometimes you're more productive when know you only have a limited time to get stuff done.

  18. Yay Donna! I was waiting for you to share the big news here!!! Sooooooooo exciting! I can't wait to go to your wedding:-) Now Im officially the last single member of the FNC.

  19. Wow, Donna. That's awesome. The ring, the engagement, the coincidence... AND that you finished your revision and are getting ready to query. What a whirlwind. Enjoy it all.

  20. Congrats on the engagement. That ring is gorgeous!

  21. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Oh man... enjoy the bubble and make it last! I'm so happy for you :-) Absolutely gorgeous ring!!!

  22. Congratulations!!!! What an amazing coincidence and how happy you must be. Beautiful ring, too, btw!

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wedding planning and novel writing? You are going to be one busy girl!

  24. Congratulations for the engagement! How totally exciting! :D And more congrats on actually finishing the revision process of your novel! Good luck with the query wars ;)

  25. Oh mucho congrats on the engagement! Exciting times ahead for sure. Good luck with the author name selection!!

  26. This is what I get for taking a mini-break from blogland yesterday; I miss your amazing news! WOO-HOO!!! Congrats!

    And if you need a good laugh during the hectic wedding planning, stop by my blog to read my flash nonfiction piece "Wedding Singer" that's linked in the sidebar.


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