
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why networking is so much fun! (In photos.)

The FNC has been busy! 

This past weekend, Sara attended the SCBWI Winter Conference while Frankie and I snuck up to NYC Friday night to attend a fabulous book signing and Kidlit Drink Night.*

And though we learned a ton about the industry and navigating the NYC subway system (whee!), the best part was that we met and hung out with amazing people! Like soon-to-be-pubbed authors like Jocelyn Davies (A Beautiful Dark) and K.M. Walton (Everything's Not Lost) and fellow bloggers Lenore, Christina Lee, and The Book Muncher!

(The people in the YA industry are SO. NICE. Like, beyond words.)

If there's one piece of non-writing-related advice we can pass on via this blog, it's NETWORK!** And even if you can't afford conferences, book signings are always free, and they're a perfect opportunity to get to know authors, bloggers, YA readers, and other aspiring writers -- and support the industry!

And it's fun!!!
Evidence of Fun
Exhibit A: Writer/blogger friends! Christina Lee, Kate Walton, and Frankie
Exhibit B: The epically awesome Chuck Sambuchino. (From the Writers Digest Conference.)
Exhibit C: Critique partners!
Exhibit D: International blogger amigos! Me, Lenore, and Frankie
Exhibit E: Writing wifey!
And a special shoutout to our new blogger friend The Book Muncher! It was a blast traipsing through NYC with you!

And this was just my adventures with Frankie! Meanwhile, Sara rocked SCBWI, where she met epic authors Mo Willems, Sara Zarr, Lois Lowry, and Jane Yolen and all kinds of industry pros. We can't wait for her recap!!!

Links to our new friends!
KM Walton
Christina Lee
Chuck Sambuchino
The Book Muncher
Presenting Lenore

Have you attended any great conferences / book signings / YA events lately? Did you attend SCBWI NYC? Met any awesome people who deserve some love? Leave it in the comments!

* On Kidlit Drink Night: Awesome event hosted by Cheryl Klein and Elizabeth Bird in which everyone who loves children's literature (agents, editors, authors, bloggers, aspiring writers, and anyone they drag along with them) get together for some cocktails in NYC.
** Minor networking aside: If the thought of networking gives you hives, then don't do it! Or start small, and see how you like it. Never forget that your writing sells your work -- no matter how many people you do or don't know. But if you're supremely outgoing like we FNC ladies, then networking is a blast -- you meet interesting people and can even build a supportive community of fellow writers -- and we highly recommend it!


  1. Wow! I am so jealous. It sounds like an awesome I met Cinda Williams Chima at the Michigan SCBWI conference in the Fall & Jay Asher at the Spring conference. That was cool.

  2. Hi! I was at the SCBWI NYC event and had a much better experience this year than last. (For one, I didn't forget anything back in PA or have to take an expensive Acela back to get it the morning of...)

    Networking in such a huge mass of people intimidates me. Social/online networking is far more my speed. I've always gone solo to SCBWI events, both regional and local, and often feel I'd do much better if I had a group of friends, a critique group, etc. Starting conversations one-on-one, face to face, almost drowned out by the drone of 1,099 other attendees means I have to talk louder than I'd normally dare to speak with complete strangers. I save my loud "outdoor" voice for people I know well.

    By the end of Sunday I felt a bit more bold and did chat a bit with fellow autograph hounds snaking through the so-called party. A glass or two of wine may have sped up that process.

    If you have any tips for getting past that "I'm here, I'm alone, I want to meet you, do you think I am talking too loud"-ness, I'd appreciate your input! These conferences would be SO much more fun if shared.

    BTW, great blog, glad I found it!
    twitter @katesnowbird

  3. Angela - It was! Thanks!

    Natalie - Reply via email!

    Kate - Glad you had a better time this year! We'll be sure to do a follow-up post with advice on networking!

  4. So great to meet you!

    I love networking :) I am always trying to figure out who lives in the cities I am visiting and see if we can meet up. And anyone I know who visits Frankfurt (Germany) has an open invite to hang with me!

    PS I am writing this from my airplane flying above some very snowy areas. How cool is that?!


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